We provide years of experience and a large global network to assist you in finding work in Germany from abroad. This department specializing in finding jobs in Germany is affiliated with the non-profit Company Life and Study in Germany gGmbH, which has many years of experience in providing accurate information for those who wish to travel and study in Germany, or for students and residents in Germany. We are very strong in the process of finding solutions to the problem of the skilled labor shortage in Germany. And in doing so, we are trying to pursue a kind of development policy that will benefit everyone in the long term.
Particularly in the areas of healthcare, nursing and IT-sektion, we offer you our full and comprehensive support in finding the most suitable job opportunities for you. We also help find apprenticeships for students who want to do vocational training in Germany and support companies in finding these students, especially in some professions for which there are few applicants in Germany.
Contact us so that we can find suitable solutions for you.